Stefan Habel

Visual Effects Software Developer
Photo from Flickr: Sandtorhafen in Hamburg's HafenCity

Volume Texture Loader

A plug-in for Maya loading volume textures

Last updated: 30 December 2021

My role: Software Engineer
Languages/Frameworks used: C++, Maya API

Together with fellow TD students Jörg Unterberg and Andreas Rohr, I developed a plug-in for Maya that loads volume texture files that were created by a tool based on the work done by Johannes Kopf et al. described in the SIGGRAPH 2007 paper "Solid Texture Synthesis from 2D Exemplars".

The images on the right show the exemplars from which the volume texture files were created, and renderings of the Stanford Dragon with the generated volume textures applied.
Blue dragon
Wood dragon
Stone dragon
Green dragon
Sand dragon
Dot dragon